“Change will lead to insight more than insight will lead to change.”
Hypnotherapy is the process of deep relaxation and visualization that allows therapeutic change through the subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind holds beliefs, behaviors and memories that can both help and hinder our daily lives. Through hypnosis, the client can explore ways to make positive changes and reach personal goals. Hypnosis removes the critical wedge between the conscious and subconscious mind, so our deepest transformations can occur.
In addition, a hypnotic technique called Time Line Therapy® is often used to release traumatic events and negative emotions which enables the client to clear the path for positive change.
Once the presenting problem is identified, change can occur even after one or two sessions with the use of hypnosis. The client does not need to focus on the past for long periods of time in order for future change to occur. The subconscious mind, if presented with a beneficial and reasonable alternative to current negative patterns, will cut ties with those past negative patterns.